Where can I find it? Services >>> Select a Service >>> Agent Quotas.
Warning: agent quotas are not compatible with resources. When both are active, agent quotas will be ignored.
The TuriTop online booking system enables you to limit the quotas for each agent. If an agent doesn't reach the quota, the seats will be automatically released when the expiration time you set up have passed/finished.
In order to assign agent quotas, first of all, you must have created an agent/user (learn more here). then go to your TuriTop booking software dashboard, Services tab >>> Select a Service >>> Agent quotas.
Now you must choose the agent you want to assign the quota.
Once the agent has been chosen, you are ready to create the quota. Just click on the Create new quota button.
You can name it as you like. In the example below, Agent TEST2 has been assigned with 10 seats in every event and every day of the week and we have set up an expiration time to 24 hours, so 24 hours before the event starts, the seats that haven't been sold by the agent will be released.
Repeat options, here you can specify if you want to apply the quota to all the events or to just one, a single day, or in a specific time.
Seats, here you must enter the number of seats you want to assign to that agent.
Release, here you must enter the number of hours in which you want to release the seats. we have typed 24 hours, this means that the seats that hadn't been booked in that quota, will be released 24 hours before the start of the event.
Weekdays, here you can specify which days you want to assign to an agent.
Hours, you can assign quotas on a specific event schedule.
You may have more than one quotas:
In order to visualize the blocked seats with agent quotas, go to ''Calendar'' and select the service.
The blocked seats will be shown in purple.
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