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TuriTop Booking System Help Center
Service Configurations
Service Configurations
Creating a new Tour Schedule
How to edit schedules
Open schedule
Closing events
Individual events
Default Settings
Regional settings (Services)
Booking Preferences (Services)
Booking cancellation (Services)
Back Office preferences (Services)
Success Screen - Additional Notes (Services)
Success Screen - Custom URL (Services)
Creating and configuring a new Schedule
Create a new service for Tour/Activity
Setting up the tickets
Pricing and Discounts
Creating price variations
Creating tiered discounts
Setting up discounts
Gift Voucher
The Gift Voucher
Adding images and descriptions to your Gift Voucher
Installing the Gift Voucher buttons
Manually redeeming a Gift Voucher
Manually insert a Gift Voucher
Generating a list of gift vouchers
Booking Form
Adding your terms and conditions page
The Booking Form (Services)
Booking email
How to set up a service for Video Meetings
Booking Email
Widget configuration
How To Configure a Numbered Seat Map
The Daily Multi-service Widget
Booking widget for numbered seats
How to Set Up the Transfer System (Services)
Advanced configurations
Disabling a service
Enabling a service for Reselling
Deleting a Service
Assign category to the service
Agent's Quotas
Creating agents quotas