Where can I find it? Services >>> PX >>> Tickets.
Knowing how to create and edit the tickets in your TuriTop reservation system is essential. Tickets represent the service or product you want to sell: seats for a concert, places in a guided tour, a session in an escape room. This article will explain all the options available in the Tickets section.
First, let’s locate the section. Go to the Services tab >>> choose your service (P1, P2, P3, ...) >>> in each service you will find it under the name Tickets.
Once open, you will see three sections: Capacity (you can indicate the maximum number of tickets you would like to offer per service and/or per booking), Tickets, and Pricing notes.
In the capacity section, there are five options. Using a shared resource limits the capacity of any event that uses one or more resources in the same time frame. Find more information in this article. This functionality is only available after configuring the event duration within the Service details section.
If you enable the option Assign a resource(s) to a booking, as soon as a booking is made, a resource(s) is assigned to it and, if the resource has still available seats, they will no longer be. For instance, if you have a vehicle with 5 seats and you get a booking of 4 PAX (4 seats), then the empty seat will be allocated to this booking. Otherwise, this seat would be available for future bookings.
Below we have the seat restriction. Here you will have to write the maximum capacity for your event. If your tour guide can only accommodate 15 people at a time, write 15. If you have an escape room, write 1 (because you are renting the room).
The field of the maximum number of tickets per booking allows you to restrict the number of tickets customers can buy at the same time. This is useful if you do not want a single person to book the whole capacity of an event in a single booking.
The field of the minimum number of seats per booking allows you to ask for a minimum number of seats per booking. If set to empty, no minimum number of seats is required.
The field of the minimum number of seats to start the event allows you to ask for a minimum number of seats for the first booking. If set to empty, no minimum number of seats is required to start the event.
Below you have the tickets with different options. You can click on More to configure in detail each ticket, but first, let's see the ticket types and the price.
The ticket format selector allows you to choose the way your customers can select the tickets.
Types of selectors
There are three types of selectors:
1- Selectbox (your customers are able to choose how many tickets they want):
2- Checkbox (customers are able to choose one or more ticket types):
3- Radio button (only one type of ticket can be selected):
The ticket name is what you will call your ticket. By default, you will have "Adult" and "Child" tickets when you create a new service. You can call them whatever you want: adult, person, 3-5 people (you can create a ticket per group), boat, etc.
The price is the amount you want to charge per ticket. It will be multiplied by the number of tickets selected by the client in the widget.
Fields to add more tickets
If you need to add new tickets, just type the name and price and then click the "Add more" button.
Additional options
If you click on More, you will see additional options to configure your tickets.
1- Seats: In most cases, it should be left on '1'. It represents the number of seats that are booked in each client's selection. For example, if the customer selects 4 in the ticket drop-down menu of the widget and you have set 2 in this field, the number of booked seats will be 8. This is useful for family packs (you put a price for a pack of 4 people) and in seats, you put 4.
2- Min: It is the minimum amount of seats required to make the booking. Your customer will start choosing the seats in this ticket starting with the number you have typed here. If you type "3", your customer won't be able to book 1 or 2 seats.
3- Max: This limits even further the maximum number of seats available for the ticket. The previous maximum restriction was for all tickets. This option is for this ticket specifically. If you want to have a VIP ticket, but you only want 5 people to have the option to select it per event, write "5" in this field.
4- Close: The event gets closed when the number of reserved seats is equal to the number you write. This is great for private tours. For example, you write "1" in the field and when the first person books the event (that person can choose any number of seats), the event closes and no one else can book after this first client.
5- Order: This field allows you to order all your tickets. Write the number from 0 onwards. The ticket that will appear first will be 0 and the last one, if you have 5 tickets, in the 4th position.
6- Add-on: This box allows you to set a ticket as an extra option. This is useful if you sell something besides the event itself, maybe a shirt, a photo, or a map. This will create a ticket type that deviates from the others and does not take the seats.
7- Required: This box makes the ticket mandatory. This is useful, for example, to configure that a child's ticket can't be bought if no adult ticket has been selected.
8- Ticket notes: This field lets you add a tooltip in the Widget with additional information associated with this ticket.
9- Your ticket code: You will be able to associate to any of your tickets a name or code for internal use that will allow you to search with that parameter via API or Webhook, and integrate the data with external tools, such as accounting programs, etc. You can read more information about the API in this article.
10- Visibility: Visibility lets you decide where and to whom you want to show this ticket. Sometimes, you want to create a ticket specifically to make manual bookings in the back-office, or you want to create tickets with different prices, depending on if it's made through the website or the back-office. These are the options:
- Widget and Back-office (default): your ticket will be visible both in the widget and the back-office. This is the default option whenever a new ticket is created.
- Widget and Back-office excluding agents and resellers: It will be shown in both widget and back-office, but they will not be visible for the agents and resellers when they are adding bookings on the ''Calendar'' tab.
- Widget only: Only shown for online bookings in the widget.
- Back-office only: Only shown in the back-office.
- Back-office only excluding agents and resellers: Only shown in the back-office, and your agents and resellers will not be able to see them.
- Widget only excluding agents and resellers: Only shown in the widget, and your agents and resellers will not be able to see them.
- Hide (no longer active): this will hide completely your ticket. It is useful if you do not want to delete a ticket but don't want anyone to be able to select them.
To delete any ticket just click on the red X.
Pricing Notes
Finally, we have the Pricing notes. This field lets you add text below the tickets in the Widget. You can write anything you want. This field accepts HTML (for advanced users) so if you know the language, try out what you can do.
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