Where can I find it? Services >>> PX >>> Booking Form.
First things first. You can edit your Booking Form from the Company tab and in each of your services. In Company you will edit the default Booking Form, which will apply to all services. When you change something in the Service Booking Form you only change it in that service.
So it will be quite useful to set up the Booking Form in the Company tab to have that as the default, and then make the changes necessary in each service. Something like setting up your Terms and Conditions should be done in the Company tab, so you don't have to add them to each and every service you create.
Go to ''Company tab'' >>> ''Booking Form'' to begin.
Form Questions
This is the default Booking Form that the system creates. In the image, you can see that there are four fields enabled: Full name, Email, Phone, and Comments.
To add any other question, just click on any of the options below (in pink) and a new question will be added at the bottom. You have many options. From default questions, we have set up to generic fields (custom question, large custom question, Custom Checkbox, and Custom HTML.)
To delete a question just click on the red X.
Ordering each question is extremely simple, just drag and drop (hold the left mouse button) where you want your question to be. The order you see there will be the order of the questions your clients will see in the widget.
Here you have an example of how your clients will see the booking form:
Some Important form questions
Let's talk here about the Newsletter and Terms and Conditions questions.
By law, you need to have a Terms and Conditions page on your website. In this article, we explain its importance, and you have a step by step guide of how to add them to TuriTop. See the image above to look at how the terms will show on the widget.
Similarly, If you often send emails to your clients using a newsletter system, by law they have to agree to receive those emails. In the Booking form, you have the option to add a question for the Newsletter. We advise to configure it like it is shown in the image, deselected by default, with the option to show always and not required:
Custom questions
Custom questions are ones where you can ask anything you want. Add your questions in the field in white and your clients will answer them. All questions and client answers will be displayed in the Confirmation Email as well as on your Bookings and Calendar tabs. You can have a Custom Question (1), a Large Custom Question (2), and a Custom Checkbox (3).
The Custom HTML is another custom question. This is for people that know some HTML and want to configure the question however they want. If you know HTML, try it out and see how you can create anything you like.
A question you may have is how your clients heard of you. So in HTML copy and paste this:
How did you hear about us?<br>
<select name='custom' style='width:125px'>
<option value=''></option>
<option value='Google'>Google</option>
<option value='Trip Advisor'>Trip Advisor</option>
<option value='Facebook/Twitter/Instagram'>Facebook/Twitter/Instagram</option>
<option value='My Tour Operator'>My Tour Operator</option>
<option value='Our representative'>Our representative</option>
<option value='I have been before'>I have been before</option>
<option value='Recommended by friends'>Recommended by friends</option>
And you'll see a selector like this one:
File Upload
The field Upload file allows you to write a text requesting a specific file (ID, Passport, photo, etc.) , it will be uploaded to the cloud and you will have access any time for 450 days (after that time the file will be deleted).
In most cases, your customers will need to pass a captcha process prior to uploading their files.
Supported files:
- Images: jpg, png
- Files: zip, rar, pdf
- Documents: Excel (xls, xlsx)
Maximum size: 5MB
Form Questions View and Requirement Options
Each question will have 2 view and requirement options, Show and Required. You will have to select between the four options in the drop-down menu:
- Never: Select this to never show or require this question.
- Widget: Select this to show or require only in the Widget (Online Booking.)
- Back-Office: Select this to only show or require in the Back-Office (Offline Booking.)
- Always: Select this to always show or require the question (Widget and Back-Office.)
Each question has an added checkbox that says Repeat. This is known as the Multiclient function in the TuriTop Booking system.
If it is checked that question will repeat on the widget for each customer. If your client books a tour for 2 adults and 2 children, and the name has the repeat option, the client will have to fill out the names of each adult and children.
Here you have an example of the name and email that has the repeat option checked:
In the booking form your client will see this:
There you can see how it repeats. It is also important to note some changes that have happened here.
There is a buyer email field, where the client that books and pays for the tour enters their email. The client will receive there his/her purchase information. Each ticket will be counted as a booking. He/she will receive each reservation, one per ticket/person with the price divided between them (to each its own amount) in separate emails.
In the first ticket, your client will see the questions that do not repeat, if you have any.
In the first ticket (an Adult in this case) your client will have the option to click on Autofill. This copies the fields that repeat onto the other tickets.
If the email is repeated, the clients receive in the email provided for each one the information about the booking separately. So each ticket has its own booking number and QR code, so they can arrive separately to the event without incident.
The benefit of the repeat option is that you will have more information about every client that enjoyed your service and you can send each of the ads for future events and promotions.
Booking form at service or company level
You may choose to use the booking form at company level when you want all your services to use this form. To do so, you'll have to do these two steps:
- Go to the Company tab >>> Booking Form. Configure here your form as you wish as explained above.
- From the Services tab, pick a Service you wish to use the booking form from company >>> edit >>> Booking form and activate the checkbox for "Use company default from":
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