The first thing you should put together when starting a business is a terms and conditions agreement. Chances are that you know the importance of this document and that you already have one. However, let us explain their importance.
Why should you have Terms and Conditions?
Terms and conditions add certainty to the transaction. Verbal contracts are just as binding as written contracts, but having a written contract adds reliability and serves as evidence in the event of a legal dispute. It is best to protect yourself against any legal problems by having a written agreement, rather than spending money on lawyers.
They also serve as a deterrent to someone who wants to take you to court. Well-written terms and conditions protect you and your business. They also help you enforce agreements in case the other party does not comply.
Clarifying the transaction helps you better support the customer, as both the customer and the business have a clear understanding of the rules. They can help you navigate the expectations of the customer, who may have service expectations that don't match your product, as well as save you time and calls.
Finally, many companies that work online require their partners/customers to have Terms and Conditions. For example, the payment gateway Redsys.
How do I write my terms and conditions?
Typically, your lawyer will draft your terms and conditions to match your business needs. There are also online resources that can help you draft them on your own.
Add your Terms and Conditions to the widget
To create a link to your terms and conditions in your booking system is fairly easy. Just follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to the Booking Form
Go to your Company/Services tab >>> Booking Form, depending on where you have configured the form.
Step 2: Select the Terms and Conditions question
Look for the ''Terms and Conditions'' question and click on it to add it to your form.
Step 3: Copy your Terms' URL
Paste the URL of your terms (taken from your website) into the designated field. You can check or uncheck the box so that the customer will see the option checked or unchecked by default.
When the customer reaches step two of the booking process they will see a box with the text "I accept terms and conditions" with a link to your terms and conditions page that will open in a new tab in the browser.
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