The first step is to go to your bank to check if they have the Redsys virtual POS service. If so, they will give you the contract conditions and the commissions that will be applied to each sale. Once you have signed the contract and waited a few days for approval, you will receive an email with the information necessary to configure Redsys in TuriTop.
If you already have a Redsys virtual POS and you only need to know how to connect it to TuriTop click here.

Scroll to the bottom to see the possible values ??of Ds_Response (Indicates the status of any transaction)
Step 1: Set up Email
Inside Redsys email, you will get the information to configure your virtual POS for "testing mode". Take a look at this information:
- Merchant Code (FUC): "335088258"
- Terminal number: "1"
- Merchant Secure Key or Encryption key, HASH_Pru: "sq7HjrUOBfKmC576ILgskD5srU870gJ7"
Step 2: Select Redsys payment gateway
Enter to your TuriTop Control Panel and go to your booking system's control panel and then to "Company" tab >>> "RECEIVING PAYMENTS" >>> "REDSYS PAYMENT GATEWAY (Spain)".
Now copy and paste the three codes received in the mail.

Step 3: Activate Test Mode
Mark ''Test mode'' so you can make the requested test.

The banking entities ask their users to specify the country of origin of the transaction where the reservation is made.
To add text in TuriTop there are several options, for example, go to ''Company'' >>> ''Booking form'' >>> and add a Custom HTML field.

Due to security reasons, you need to add "Terms and Conditions" to your booking form and it can't be selected, as in the below image.

Step 4: Make purchasing tests
Redsys will ask you to perform these tests. You must perform directly from your booking widget, either within your TuriTop Control Panel or from your own website, if you have already installed it.
Perform at least one unauthorized operation. Use the card they provide or use this test card
- Card Number: 4548812049400004
- Expiration: 12/current year with 2 digits ( i.e. 12/20, 12/21, 12/22 etc.)
- CVV2 code: 123
- CIP code: 123456
Perform at least one denied operation. Use the card they provide or use this test card
- Card Number: 1111111111111117
- Expiration: 12/current year with 2 digits ( i.e. 12/20, 12/21, 12/22 etc.)
- Don't enter anything else and click on the pay button.
Step 5: Apply the actual keys
Email the Redsys support to receive your new key to real mode. You can copy and paste this text that we have pre-designed for you:
Subject: Transition to real environment (production)
We request to move to the REAL environment (PRODUCTION) for the company "COMPANY'S NAME". We have already performed the operations in the Test environment.
You can also make a test booking from here: (type here where you have installed the TuriTop widget)
Step 6: Enter real Key (production)
Once you get the email with instructions on how to get the key to real mode, do the following:
- Enter your Redsys control panel. NOTE: your username is your Merchant code and Terminal (i.e. 123456789-001). If you forget your password click "¿Has olvidado la contraseña?" to receive a new one.
- Click on the cart icon (Adm. TPV virtual)
- Click on "Comercios"
- Click on "Consultar"
- Click on "Ver/Mostrar Clave" (enter your password again)
- Copy the key (you'll have 10 seconds to do it)
- Open your TuriTop control panel.
- Go to "Company" >>> "Receiving Payments" >>> "Redsys"
- Paste the new code where it says "Merchant Secure Key or Encryption key SHA-256"
- Deactivate the Test Mode of the Virtual POS from your TuriTop control Panel.
Step 7: Make the last tests in Real mode
- Make an Authorized transaction with a valid credit/debit card. From the Administration module, you can generate a refund.
- Make a Denied transaction with the card: 1111111111111117
- Check the Administration module to see all transactions. (Access to "Consultas").
- Check that the notifications are correct. Access the Administration Module ("Notificaciones" button.)
Possible values ??of Ds_Response
(indicates the status of any transaction)
If you want to learn more about the Redsys code, please click here.
Configure payment notifications
It's possible to configure payment email notifications for you and the customer. To do so, log in to your Redsys control panel and go to Store >>> Company information:
Once you verify you have entered a valid email address, now go to Store >>> Configuration Data:
Here, you just need to make sure you have selected "With ON-LINE notification: HTTP + Business Email"
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