Nautical companies face different situations in which they need to have a manager to administer their fleet of ships. Next, we will explain to you the most common scenario of configuration: When you have a ship that can sell shared or private excursions.

Create the resource
Step 1: Go to the Company tab >>> Resource manager
The first step is to create a resource which, in this case, will be a ship. Enter the resource name and click on the "Add" button. Then, you will see new options being deployed.
Step 2: Configure the Resource
In this case, it has just one ship therefore, enter the value "1" in the quantity box and enter the places available in the seat box, for example, 12.
Share the Resource
Step 1: Assign the resource to a Service
There are two things that you should consider in order to associate a resource to a service:
Go to Services tab >>> Select the service >>> SERVICE DETAILS >>> Event duration. For example: in this case, it is a visit to the museum that takes 4 hours.
Next, go to the Tickets section and, in the first box that says "Use shared resource seats", choose the resource to use. In this (For the sake of this example) case, select the ship resource and in seats, enter "12".
Finally, once you have shared the aforementioned resource with different services, at the exact moment a booking is made in one of them, the ship's seats will start being blocked for as long as the event's time lasts until there aren't more available.
Example 1: a booking has been made on the P12 - Private excursion service, therefore, as it shares the ship resource with the P11 - Shared excursion service, the latter is closed now because there isn't any ship available left.
Example 2: a booking has been made on the P11 - Shared excursion service which has 4 seats booked, therefore, as it shares the resource ship with the P10 - Private excursion service, the latter is closed now because there isn't any ship available left. P11 service has 8 seats available, as depicted in the image below.
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