You might want to vary your daily resource number for any reason. There are two case scenarios in which you can configure to vary these resources on a daily basis. Keep reading below to know-how.
Prepping work
Step 1: Create or edit a resource
This can be done from your Control Panel >>> Company >>> Resource Manager:
Step 2: Configure seats and quantity
You need to set up the resources you are going to have available for the shared services and the seats will be available for each one of them.
Defined as the number of slots available in a single resource, i.e. having a jetski (resource) with two seats available.
The number of resources available to be shared. If you have 4 jetskis to share among several services, then your number of seats will be 4 times your seats. In the example, that would mean 8 seats.
Learn more about resource sharing here.
Weekly quantity variation
This feature allows you to vary the number of resources daily and fix them by the week. Meaning that this variation will be fixed for all the year's weeks. You can enter any number in the boxes:
In the following example, the variation takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays. Perhaps, you're adding a second instructor or motorcycle on these days.
Daily quantity variation
Using this feature, allows you to vary the number of resources by the day, on any date and time. Click on Date | Time range:
First, select the starting and finish date and time. Then, add the number of resources you'd like to vary for that period. Finally, click on add:
The variation will look like this:
If you want to delete this variation, just click on the icon.
Other uses variation.
The same way you set up your resources as explained here (other uses), you can set up the weekly or daily variation. Keep in mind that the variation made as above will override such a configuration.
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