Promo codes
You can choose a one-time use promo code. To do this, enter a promo code and indicate 1 which stands for one use only:
Keep in mind: you may configure that your promo code to have several uses. Instead of 1, you may enter any number of uses.
This option allows you to randomly generate promotional codes. To configure them, checkmark the "Multiple" option.
Repeat: here you'll define how many promo codes will be generated (1.000 max).
Prefix: if you enter a prefix, all your codes will be generated alongside this prefix.
Let's see an example. If I'd like to generate 15 codes with the "promo" prefix that only can be redeemable Wednesdays and Fridays, it should look like this:
After we click the "Create" button, you'll just have generated these multiple codes:
Keep in mind: you may copy your codes to the clipboard if you need to have them backed up.
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