In order to add manual booking go to the "Calendar" tab.

Booking View

If you choose the ''Daily'' view, you will see all the services on the date you select. You can filter by categories.

If you choose the ''Monthly'' view, you will see all the bookings from the services you had chosen.

Start adding manual bookings
Once you have decided on the view of your bookings you need or want to work on, you only need to click the plus button to add a booking manually.

Now we offer you the option of sending an email reminding the customer to finish the payment. You can send this email reminder while making a new booking through the Back-office or send it to an existing booking.

Send Request Payment by email
To send the payment request to an existing booking recipient, please click on the send email button . Two buttons will prompt, the first one to resend the booking confirmation email and the second, to resend the payment request email.
Once the request payment by email is sent, the booking will have a new row at the end of the booking saying: Payment request sent on ..... (see on the image).
The bellow image shows the email the customer will receive reminding the payment. Once the payment is made, the customer will receive the confirmation booking Email.
Add bookings from Widget View
In this section you will have the same view as in the booking calendar installed on your website, offering you a monthly view in a simple perspective. It also offers your agents the opportunity to use Multiclient, Shopping Cart, and payment options, and send payment requests by email.
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