What is TuriTop Booking System?
TuriTop is a software company, our core product is a reservation system in the cloud. We supply all tools necessary to sell your products through your website, on other websites, and through social networks. We provide this without the need for hardware, or the installation of software. It’s so easy to use that it will surprise you.
What is the Cloud?
The Cloud comes from the idea that you can have instant access at all times to your data, wherever you are, through any device (PC, laptop, smartphones tablets, etc.), in the simplest form, without the need of technical knowledge to use it.
An example of an application on the Cloud would be when you enter your email (Hotmail or Gmail etc.) from your browser.
Why TuriTop Booking Software?
- It is an easy to use application, not only for you but for your customers as well.
- We are always keeping the product up to date with new technologies without charging extra.
- Our prices are very economic and competitive.
- If you have a seasonal business, freeze your account for free during the off months.
- Our technical support is second to none; you will be surprised at the speed we deal with your queries.
Why are we different?
We have invested a lot of time and effort into making an easy to use the product to configure and install on your website and Facebook page. We differ from our competitors because we have created a widget that allows you to install the application anywhere on your website without having to leave your domain.
It is very important to us that your content (text, images, videos) are indexed so that your visibility on search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) improves over time. If the information for your activities is shown in other domains, the benefits are for them, not you.
How do I open an account in the Booking System?
Click here to open your account. You will have a 14 days free trial, no credit card required for creating an account.
Do I need to sign a contract?
No, you do not need to sign anything with us. For more information Check out our terms and conditions.
Is there a fixed contract?
No, we are sure that you will love our application, therefore we feel that there is no need for fixed terms. However if for some reason you decide to leave us, you only need to delete us from your website and Facebook pages.
Is my client's information and my information secure?
Our back-end (control panel) and front-end (what your clients see) use a secure HTTPS / SSL connection to ensure that there is no filtration of sensitive information by companies or individuals.
We never save credit/debit card numbers. We only save basic details, therefore we are not a priority target for hackers/crackers.
PayPal and its corresponding banks manage everything that is related to taking payment and have the highest form of security.
On our servers, we use firewalls and multiple security protocols to secure customer's data.
How fast is this booking system?
- In our eyes the upload speed is crucial for a good user/client experience; therefore we have opted for a software development system that is focused to achieve this goal.
- We use caching and compression of data whenever possible to reduce loading times to a minimum.
- The cloud guarantees sustainable growth to ensure the performance and necessary resources to the platform at any time.
Can I install TuriTop Booking Software in any webpage?
Yes, our reservation system is fully compatible with whichever CMS (WordPress, Joomla, Jimdo, Blogger, Wix, Weebly, Drupal,…).
It is also compatible with all of the browsers on the market (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera). Periodically we test that the visibility of the applications appears correctly in all.

Is the application easy to install and set up?
It is a lot easier than you could imagine. To ensure that you do not miss a step, we have installed ToolTips. Finding your way around should be pretty easy.
How do I install it to my web page?
Really easy; after you have set up your services in the Control Panel, you are able to see a preview with a link that provides you with the codes to install on your page. You simply need to copy these codes, paste them on to your website, and your reservation system will be ready to use. Send us an email to if you need help with the installation.
How can I use the App with my Facebook Page?
No, at the present time it's not possible.
Prices of TuriTop's services include taxes?
Our company is located in the Canary Islands (Spain) where applies different VAT regulations than the rest of the European Union. Therefore, all our invoices have VAT 0%.
If your business is based in the Canary Islands like TuriTop, your invoice will have IGIC 7% included on the price (no increase, we assume the cost of IGIC). Businesses in the rest of the EU and abroad have VAT 0% and IGIC 0%.
Will I receive an invoice for my payments?
We generate monthly invoices and send them to the clients that request them. To receive formal invoices you must have filled out your invoice information in the Control Panel within TuriTop. You will find this by following ‘Company’ >> ‘Billing info'.
What currencies can my customers pay?
You will be able to offer these currencies on your booking system:
Available currencies:See available CurrenciesArgentine PesoAustralian dollarCanadian dollarChilean pesoChinese yuanColombian pesoCroatian KunaCuban pesoCzech CrownDanish crownDírham of the United Arab EmiratesEgyptian poundEuroHong Kong DollarHungarian ForintIcelandic kronaIndian rupeeIndonesian RupiahJamaican dollarJordanian DinarMalaysian RinggitMexican pesoMoroccan DírhamNew Israeli SheikhNew SolNew Taiwan DollarNew Taiwanese DollarNew Zealand dollarPhilippine PesoPolish ZlotyPound sterlingPound sterlingRealRussian rubleSaudi RiyalSingapore DollarsSouth African RandSwedish kronaSwiss francsThai BahtThe Norwegian crownTurkish LiraUruguayan PesoUSDYen
If you don’t find yours, please send us an email ( to let us know and we will try to activate it as soon as possible.
Getting bookings
How do I know when someone makes a booking?
A confirmation email is automatically sent to the business owner and another to the person who made the booking.
Can I see a list with all the bookings received?
Yes, log into and go to 'Bookings'. There you will find a full list with all the bookings received with all customers details.
Receiving payments
How do my clients pay me?
The payments can be done with a credit/debit card, PayPal or MercadoPago.
• With Paypal/Stripe/MercadoPago: Revenues are made directly to your PayPal/Stripe/MercadoPago account, and from PayPal/Mercado Pago/Stripe you can transfer the money to your bank account.
• With a virtual POS (Point of Sale): You will receive payments directly into your bank account.
What do I need to start receiving payment from the Internet? (Paypal)
The simplest, cheapest, and fastest way is Stripe. Open an account with Stripe is pretty simple and it is cheaper than PayPal. If you want to know how to open an account with Stripe and how to connect with TuriTop, please read the following article. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
If you want to use PayPal, you need to open a business account (unless you already have one). Then you need to log in your Turitop's account and click on 'Company' tab. There you will see 'Receiving Payments'. Type your Paypal email and you will be ready to go! Your booking box will start receiving on-line payments.
Click here to open your PayPal business account.

Can I accept on-line payments with my bank account? (Virtual POS)
Yes, we do support payments with Virtual POS (Point of Sale).
Send us an email to indicating your bank's name and we will let you know which are the steps to start with the installation.
Which credit/debit cards are valid for payment on my website?
Your customers can pay with any card that accepts Servired or 4B ATMs (VISA, Master Card, and JCB). Prior contact is required to accept Amex and Diners with the companies that issue these cards. It's just like with physical POS but on-line.
What is Stripe?
Stripe is a global on-line payment gateway that is trusted by thousands of businesses across the globe.It is the easiest way to accept credit and debit card payments on-line.
Click here if you want to know how to open an account.
What is PayPal?
Paypal is a secure payment system for buyers and sellers, that uses a credit card or bank account linking it to this platform. This is set up, in order to make ordinary payment methods possible through an intermediary ensuring this way greater protection for both data and possible fraud.
How do I set up and how much does a Paypal account cost?
View PayPal fees.
Click here to open your PayPal business account.
What is a virtual POS?
POS is the Point of Sale Terminal. In physical stores is a device for customers to pay by credit/debit card. Well, a virtual POS, is equivalent to that device, but without having a physical device, everything is on the net supported by high security systems created by banks. TPVs are issued by banks and most of them accept most popular cards: VISA, MasterCard and JCB.
How much does a Virtual POS cost?
Rates depend on each bank and your turnover. The higher the volume, the cheaper rate you will get. To give you a reference, banks may charge:
- A fixed amount per discharge from the POS.
- A monthly maintenance fee.
- A % for each sale.

Do I have to go to a particular bank?
No. Most banks inside Servired and 4B network provides virtual POS. Depending on the bank, it will take more or less time for approval. To give you an estimate, it can take anywhere from 1 week to 1 month depending on their internal processes.
How do I configure the payment gateway?
You must apply to your bank. Once granted, the bank will give you three codes to enter in the Turitop’s Control Panel. These code names are:
- Number of trade FUC.
- Trade Secrets.
- Number of terminal
Virtual POS, Stripe or PayPal?
We recommend using any platforms for better sales conversion.
It is true that the cost of using PayPal or Stripe is greater than those of using a Virtual POS, but current PayPal or Stripe users (millions of users around the globe) will prefer to use their account to pay; it will be a much faster and safer process for them.
If you set up all platforms, your customers are able to choose any of the two options directly from your booking system.

Availability and Agencies
Can I receive on-line bookings with less anticipation that 48 hours?
Yes, you can choose the anticipation that better suits your business. For first time users, we recommend starting with 48 hours or ever 72 hours. Then, as bookings increase and you get more familiar with our tool, you can reduce it to 24 hours or less.
I'm an agency, can I use your booking calendar?
Yes, you can resell services from any of the businesses that use TuriTop. After login, click on the tab 'Services' and then 'resell services'. There you can do a search for businesses in your area and send them a resell request.
What are chained payments?
It's the secret sauce of our booking system. It lets the product owner receive the money directly for each sale that an agent does with our system, and send the commission automatically to the agent. It works with PayPal only.
Yes, you can disable the calendar and let people buy tickets without a date selected. This is ideal for gift tickets and packs
A pack is a ticket valid for more than one service. It is a great way of collaborating with other companies. For example, boat trip plus parascending. One company provides the boat trip and the other the parascending. If both companies sell the pack on their website, both companies increase their reach.
*Packs are generally step up as an open ticket (valid for 90 days after purchase).
*If you want the confirmation email to arrive at more than one company when editing the product, look for the field that says 'Custom email to receive bookings' and you can add one or more emails there, separated by commas.

In how many languages does the booking system works?
We support more than 31 languages at the moment, although the number grows constantly.
Send us an email to if you do not see your language on this list.
See available LanguagesArabBulgarianCatalanChineseCroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEstonianEuskeraFinnishFrenchGalicianGermanGreekHebrewHindiItalianJapaneseKoreanLatvianNorwegianPolishPortugueseRussianSlovakSpanishSwedishThaiTurkish
Why my booking system is not translated?
Please go to the 'translate' tab and check if you added translations for you service names. You only need to translate the words that you create... we translate the text that is part of the software: e.g. 'Monday', 'Buy now', 'An email has been sent', etc.
Some of the texts are not translated correctly. Can I fix it?
Yes indeed. We appreciate a lot when users contact us to help us improve the translations on our calendar. If you see something wrong please don't hesitate to contact us.
I'm having view issues in the app, what can I do?
If you're experiencing view issues in the app, please, try updating your browser:
To update Mozilla Firefox click here.
To update Google Chrome click here.
To update Apple Safari click here.
To update Opera click here.
To update Microsoft Edge click here.
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